Benefits of Lemon to our Health, Skin & Hair


          Benefits of Lemon to our Health, Skin & Hair 

The whole world should aware of their resistance power. That may be in outside or inside. Here we will only know about the inner resistance power, called immunity power and how to resist it through lemon. If we stay healthy in inner then we can protect outside also.
Lets know about Lemon and its whole benefits to us.
Today we will discuss about a very common fruit, known as Lemon. That is sour in taste but has immense benefits to our health, skin and hair. So, keep reading the whole part for benefiting yourself.

Benefits of lemon
Lemons in bucket

Nutrition Fact :-

Total fat :- 0.3 g, Cholesterol :- 0 mg, Vitamin C :- 88%  P.H :- 2.2

Basic Facts :- Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C. Lemon juice contains citric acid, that is twice of grape fruits and five times of orange.

  Uses of Lemon :-

 Lemon juice, rind and peel are used in wide variety of foods and drinks.

1.   Lemon juice is used to make lemonade, soft drinks and cocktails. It is also used as a short term preservative on certain foods.

2.   Lemons are preserved in jars or barrels of salt. This is used in a wide variety of dishes.

3.   A major industry used peel of lemon as a gelling agent, thickening agent and stabilizer in food and other products.

4.   Leaves of lemon tree are used to make tea and for preparing cooked meats and sea foods.

Benefits of lemon
Juicy lemons

   Health benefits of Lemon:- 

 1. Reducing Stroke Risk :- 

A study shows that people who consumes lemon in regular basis, they have lower risk of stroke. Because lemon contains flavonoids. Regular consume of citrus fruit that contain flavonoids can protect you from cancer.

2. Lowering Blood Pressure :- 

A study shows that people who regularly walk and consume lemon, they have lower chance of blood pressure.

3. Cancer Protection :- Lemons rich in vitamin C. It also contain antioxidants, that can help you in cancer protection.

 4. Keep Your Skin Healthy:- Vitamin C plays a great role in keeping your skin healthy. Because it helps in formation of collagen, the support system of skin. It can helps you from Sun damage, aging,  pollution and other factors that can cause damage in your skin.

5. Asthma Prevention :- Lemon can protect you from Asthma as it is rich in Vitamin C. People who consume Lemon in regular basis, they have lower Asthma attacks.

6. Helps in Iron Absorption:- Iron deficiency causes of Anemia. The foods that are high in Vitamin C with Iron can maximize the body’s ability to absorb iron. For that reason, we should take Lemon with salad. That consists of both Vitamin C and Iron.

7. Immune System :- Lemons are rich in Vitamin C and contain anti oxidants, that can help to boost the immune system of body. Lower Immune System causes common cold and flu. For that reason we have to consume Lemon in daily basis for boosting immunity power.

*We can do Yoga for boosting immunity power like “Kapalvati” and “Anulom-Bilom”.
*We can drink warm water with lemon and honey to boost immunity power.

8. Weight Loss :- Continuously taking of Lemon juice for 12 weeks, can reduce weight. Lemon also great for improving insulin and body BMI.

     Skin Care with Lemon:-

 As it consists of Vitamin C. That’s why it is very useful for skin care. We can use lemon as a cleanser, scrubber, face pack with different ingredients.

1. Cleanser :- Lemon can be used as a well cleanser with raw milk and potato juice.

Process :- Take 1 table spoon of raw milk or potato juice and 1 table spoon of lemon juice. Mix it well and apply it on your face. Then rinse with water.

2. Exfoliate :- Lemon is used as a scrubber for removing dark patches, dead cells from skin.

Process :- Take 1/2 lemon, add sugar and honey with it. Apply it on your whole face. Then rinse with water.

3. Face massage pack :- For its juicy property it is used in a face massage pack.

Process :- Take 1 table spoon of lemon juice, 1 table spoon of Aloe vera gel and ½ table spoon of honey. Mix them well then massage it for 15 minutes. Rinse with tissue.

4. Face Pack :- Take 1 table spoon of orange peel powder, 1 table spoon of lemon juice, 1 table spoon honey and 2 table spoon of rose water. Mix them well. Apply it on your whole face and leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash your face with normal water.

Do not forget to use coconut oil as a moisturizer.

    Hair Care with Lemon

1. Thick Hair :- Take 1/2 lemon juice, 3 table spoon of coconut oil and 2 Vitamin E capsules. Mix it and apply on your hair from tip to root. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash with normal shampoo.

2. Remove Dandruff :- Cut lemon into small pieces and rub it on the scalp. Leave it for 1 hour and then wash with normal shampoo.

3. Damage Hair :- Take 1 table spoon of lemon juice and 2 table spoon of aloe vera gel. Mix this two ingredients well. Apply this mixture on your scalp and massage gently. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash it with normal shampoo and pat dry. Repeat this process once or twice a week.

4. Hair Loss :- 1 table spoon of lemon juice and 2 table spoon of coconut oil. Mix it and apply. Leave it for 2/3 hours. Then rinse with shampoo.

5. Strong and Smooth Hair :- 1 egg, 1 table spoon of olive oil and ½ lemon juice. Mix it and apply on your hair. Leave it for dry. Then wash with normal shampoo.

6. Hair Growth :- 1 table spoon of lemon juice, 2 table spoon of honey and 2 table spoon of olive oil. Mix it and apply. Leave it for 30 minutes then wash with shampoo.

7. Nourished Hair :- 2 table spoon of coconut water and 1 table spoon of lemon juice. Mix it and massage gently. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash with mild shampoo. Follow this process once a week.

                    Conclusion :- 

I am very hopeful that you all are benefited after knowing about Lemon and its benefits. So, my beautiful friends keep yourself healthy and your family naturally.

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 Thank you very so much.

May know about :- 
1. Aloe Vera gel uses in skin and hair
2. Coconut oil and its uses


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