The Hibiscus flower known as "Jaba" in bengal.
We all know that flowers mainly used for worshiping the God. Jaba flower only used for worshiping the Goddess "Devi Kali".
But this is not the end. This flower has many health benefits:
1. We should take 20/25 leaves daily for controlling Diabetes.
2. Make a pest of Hibiscus leaves, use it on the burned skin.
3. Boil the flower on water, mix it with honey. Then this pest use it on the pimple area. After some days, pimple will be vanished.
4. This flower contains anti-oxident. That's why, this flower can control cholesterol and blood pressure.
Boiled flower take daily to control it.
5. Make tea with hibiscus flower and take it daily. That will help you from kidney problem.
6. If you have deficiency of blood, then you must take one spoon of Hibiscus powder with milk.
7. It is full of protein because it has vitamin C, minerals and anti-oxident. It helps in breathing problem and cough.
8. Make a face pack of pink hibiscus flower and curd. That will give you a glowy and pimple free skin.
We all know that flowers mainly used for worshiping the God. Jaba flower only used for worshiping the Goddess "Devi Kali".
But this is not the end. This flower has many health benefits:
2. Make a pest of Hibiscus leaves, use it on the burned skin.
3. Boil the flower on water, mix it with honey. Then this pest use it on the pimple area. After some days, pimple will be vanished.
4. This flower contains anti-oxident. That's why, this flower can control cholesterol and blood pressure.
Boiled flower take daily to control it.
5. Make tea with hibiscus flower and take it daily. That will help you from kidney problem.
6. If you have deficiency of blood, then you must take one spoon of Hibiscus powder with milk.
7. It is full of protein because it has vitamin C, minerals and anti-oxident. It helps in breathing problem and cough.